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Volunteerism - Giving Back - Emphasize Abilities!

getty images YCTfApg9at0 unsplash ability blog cropped resizedGiving Back - Emphasize Abilities!   When it comes to volunteering, we all have our individual skill sets, interests, and passions.  Though some people are prone to talk in terms of deficit, or judge and compare others, why not choose inclusivity and ability instead?

This article, initially written as a guest blog for Activate Good, (during our Covid Pandemic shortly after the 30th anniversary of the American Disabilities Act) addresses misconceptions around people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. (We'll abbreviate as “I/DD” here).

Read some beautiful success stories about community residents with I/DD who are giving back along with some organizations in Raleigh NC who help facilitate this emphasis on ability!   

"At the end of the day, we are all human..." (Michele Foy, ARC of the Triangle)

Activate Good, a Raleigh NC nonprofit, connects volunteers with opportunities to serve, educates folks on community issues, assists companies to fulfill their corporate social responsibility, empowers youth to lead and serve, and so much more.  If you aren't in the Raleigh NC area, there are likely organizations near you that serve and facilitate I/DD community members who want to give back.   

Click here to read the full article.

 (Photo above courtesy of Unsplash+ in collaboration with Getty Images

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