Vocalist / Guitarist / Pianist / Songwriter
There is something unique about live music that we can't get in recordings. A certain energy, someone to connect to, a real person we can get to know. Less than perfect, but relatable.
Ever notice how a live musician may perform the same songs a little differently each time? Some may consider this "inconsistent". I consider it a virtue.
Here are some reasons why:
- Accomodate the music for dancers (spontaneously extend songs with extra verses, choruses, or instrumentals)
- Personalize a song (sing your name in the lyrics, or change lyrics to suit the situation)
- Sing/perform especially to you (look in your eyes, dance along with you, add special meaning/emotion just for you)
- Switch gears (change songs midway, joke between verses, try new rhythms, slow down or speed up)
- Provide visual showmanship (body/mouth/dance moves, use microphone, hands/fingers on guitar strings/piano keys)
- Interact with audience (tell stories, engage sing-along/clapping, notice people and point them out)
- Add energy (show versatility in volume, sound, mood, and draw the audience in)
I will help you discover your options, implement your vision, share my versatile repertoire, and give you outstanding reliable customer service!