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 Through the years I have created "functional" art. I never liked drawing and painting, but I alwaysDANDclassicBLUE blueonbluehang 30 enjoyed mechanically and artistically putting things together.   So - why guitar pick earrings?

It started whgrandma paulas earringsen I was creating a look for my Grandma Paula personnna.   (Grandma Paula performs for little ones.)  I remember my own granddaughters reaching over to touch and dangle my earrings around.  It was a game we played.  Knowing how much they enjoyed it, I wanted Grandma Paula to be interesting and engaging for other young kids.  I  sewed my own apron and created some really long, sparkley guitar pick earrings. 

A couple of times, as I ran errands in my special "outfit", people noticed.  They said, "I love those earrings!"   I thought, "Why not design some costume jewelry?"   I certainly had plenty of guitar picks around to experiement with.   That's how "Pick Pretties" came to be one of my creative endeavors.

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